Stereograph & Stereoviews

Stereograph & Stereoviews

A stereograph or stereoview is a pair of almost identical images mounted side by side on a pasteboard card. The mounted images are then placed in a stereoscope. When viewed the images merge to form one three-dimensional image.

Some of the key names in early stereo photography in the U.S. working in the 1850′s and 1860′s were E. & H. T. Anthony, George Baker, Charles Bierstadt, Matthew Brady, C. D. Fredericks, [...] Click here to continue reading.

Stereoscope or Stereo Viewers

Stereoscope or Stereo Viewer

In 1832 British scientist Sir Charles Wheatstone invented a viewing device incorporating angled mirrors that became known as the “Wheatstone Stereoscope”. In 1838 he published a paper entitled Contributions to the Physiology of Vision on Some Remarkable and Hitherto Unobserved Phenomena of Binocular Vision. The basic theory of the paper stated that the human eye perceives objects in three dimensions because each eye sees things from a slightly different perspective. [...] Click here to continue reading.

Anthony (E. & H. T.), photographers

Edward & Henry T. Anthony

Edward Anthony trained as a civil engineer before turning to photography. He was educated at Columbia University where he studied science. Anthony took an interest in photography from the time it was first introduced to the U.S. in 1839. He studied under one of the pioneers of American photograph, Samuel Morse. Helped by his sound scientific background Anthony soon became an accomplished Daguerreotype photographer.

By 1842 Anthony was [...] Click here to continue reading.



A room-sized viewing device, the Megalethoscope was invented circa 1860 by Venetian optician and photographer Carlo Ponti. Up to five feet wide, the device showed travel and other photographs using daylight magnified by a large lens. The views were up to twelve inches in width.

Keystone Stereoviews

Keystone View Company

Stereographs or views are paired images of two slightly different views. These images are created with a two-lens camera. The lenses are offset at about the same spacing as with the distance between human eyes. The dual-lens camera produces paired-stereographic negatives. Load a stereograph into a stereo viewer and the user can see the paired views as if they were a single photograph. Consequently, the stereoscopically combined photographs transform into a [...] Click here to continue reading.

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