Falter, John Philip – American Artist & Illustrator

John Philip Falter (American 1910 to 1982)

A classic realist, John Falter created unforgettable scenes of pure Americana, often showcased in his covers for the Saturday Evening Post, or his illustrations for books published by Reader’s Digest and Macmillan Books. He left behind a rich legacy of art at his passing in 1982. A true perfectionist, when Falter was asked to look back over his career he remarked that he never painted a painting that he wouldn’t like to paint over again – - he always saw something he could improve on. Falter once told an interviewer that what he tried to accomplish was “to put down on canvas a piece of America, a stage set, a framework for the imagination to travel around in.’

Information courtesy of Heritage Auction Galleries, October 2008.

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